DFO outlines implementation of Indigenous fisheries

 By Lois Ann Dort  Local Journalism Initiative Reporter One of the most lucrative fisheries in Atlantic Canada, the elver  baby eel  fishery, which garners up to $5,000 per kilogram, was closed this past spring due to concerns about conservation and safety caused by poaching. In a fisheries management order prohibiting the fishing of elvers issued on April 15, Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Minister Joyce Murray, stated, “Conflict on the water between harvesters has escalated to threats of violence and the safety of harvesters is at risk, which constitutes a threat to the proper management and control of the fishery.” Last week, DFO held a press conference detailing the implementation of Indigenous lobster fisheries; the moderate livelihood and the food, social and ceremonial (FSC) fisheries, both of which are…

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