DNA evidence of unidentified victim of Winnipeg serial killer found on jacke

By  Canadian Press Staff The only evidence police have pointing to the identity of one victim of an admitted serial killer is a bit of DNA found on a jacket cuff, a Winnipeg judge heard Tuesday. A forensics expert testified that multiple portions of a reversible jacket from designer Baby Phat were analyzed. Police believe the DNA belonged to the unidentified victim Indigenous leaders have since named Mashkode Bizhiki’ikwe, or Buffalo Woman. “It was female in origin,” Florence Célestin testified remotely from Ottawa, where she is based, at the trial of Jeremy Skibicki. Célestin, who works at the RCMP’s forensics laboratory, told court more than 100 exhibits taken from Skibicki’s home have been processed up until earlier this year in attempts to identify Buffalo Woman. The only sample she was…

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