Ten Indigenous people added to Order of Canada, artists, teachers, writers, business people

  Santee Smith (Santee Smith Photos) By Lisa Iesse and Lynda Powless Turtle Island News writers OTTAWA – Six Nations of the Grand River artist Santee Smith of Six Nations is one of 10 Indigenous people appointed to the Order of Canada! Santee Smith Tekaronhiáhkhwa, is a multidisciplinary artist, producer and curator from Kahnyen’kehàka Nation, Turtle Clan from Six Nations and is now a Member of the Order of Canada.  She is one of 10 Indigenous people recognized in a variety of fields as Officers or Members in the 2023 appointments. The appointment to the Order of Canada recognizes her outstanding work as a trailblazing Indigenous dance and performance artist. Governor General Mary Simon made the announcement on Friday (June 30). The Order of Canada, one of the country’s highest civilian…

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