Family of Mi’kmaw woman who died in Nova Scotia jail sues province for negligence

 By Marlo Glass THE CANADIAN PRESS HALIFAX- The family of a Mi’kmaw woman who died in provincial custody is suing Nova Scotia’s attorney general and the province’s health authority for negligence. A statement of claim filed Tuesday says Sarah Rose Denny died in hospital of double pneumonia after she was incarcerated at the Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility, in Dartmouth, N.S. Instead of treating her pneumonia symptoms, a nurse at the jail assumed that the 36-year-old mother was suffering from alcohol withdrawal, the lawsuit alleges. “The defendants displayed a profound failure in responding to Sarah Rose Denny’s repeated pleas for medical assistance,” the lawsuit says. “Their inaction directly contributed to the deterioration of Sarah’s health, and, tragically, resulted in her preventable death.” None of these claims have been proven in…

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