`A ray of hope’ Nunavut’s Health minister expresses optimism over Aqqusariaq treatment centre and other initiatives

By Kira Wronska Dorward  Local Journalism Initiative Reporter “Mental health and addictions pose huge challenges to many Nunavummiut throughout their lives,” Health Minister John Main said during the fall sitting of the legislative assembly. A repeated thread of discussion for MLAs during the late October/early November legislative sessions revolved around strategies for combatting these stigmatized illnesses that continue to plague communities. There is “a ray of hope” on the horizon, according to Main, as construction began in August on Aqqusariaq, or the $83.7 million Nunavut Recovery Centre. “This facility will offer in-territory addictions and trauma treat- ment based on Inuit language and culture,” said the Health minister. “The project is a trilateral partnership of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, Indigenous Services Canada and the Government of Nunavut Department of Health.” The name…

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