Pierre Poilievre called out for Truth and Reconciliation Day photos with Inuk elder

 By Alessia Passafiume THE CANADIAN PRESS OTTAWA -Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre found himself the subject of online criticism after posting photos with an Inuk elder alongside a caption about meeting with Algonquin elders on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Poilievre posted two photos to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Saturday with a caption about joining Algonquin elders and leaders at the eternal flame on Parliament Hill to mark the holiday at an event hosted by the Algonquin Nation and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. Marc Miller, the former minister of Crown-Indigenous relations, responded to Poilievre’s post by pointing out that the people in the photos are not Algonquin, but rather Inuit. “We are all learning some difficult truths, particularly today, and mistakes can happen ,”…

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