High school students venture out to connect with the land in time honoured tradition

 By Austin Campbell  Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Along with their teachers Ms. Beaulieu, Mr. Couch, Mr. Carr, and Mr. Schram, 23 students from Geraldton Composite High School left the school for a land-based trip into the traditional territory of Animbiigoo Zaagi Igan Anishinaabek on Wednesday. The trip was organized by the Specialist High Skills Major program in honour of Truth & Reconciliation Week. Lynnea Zuefle, a cultural knowledge-keeper from the Thunder Bird Friendship Centre, is guiding the trip, which aims to “ foster  a better understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture.” Geraldton Composite High School acting principal Andy McFarlane observed that these trips runs “deep” throughout the school’s history. “In the past, it’s been an outdoor education canoe club  that’s been going on since 1967,” said McFarlane, referring to the…

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