By Lisa Iesse Writer An investigative series is uncovering suspicious gaps in the disappearance and deaths of Tyler Maracle and Matthew Fairman in the waters surrounding the Mohawk First Nations community of Tyendinaga. An APTN investigative series, titled “Secret of the Bay,” aired recently questioning the truth surrounding the disappearance and deaths of the two Mohawk fisherman on the Bay of Quinte eight years ago. Kenneth Jackson, who is the investigative reporter, told Turtle Island News the case is filled with “massive holes,” that question the police’s ruling of accidental drowning. Tyler Maracle, 21, and Mathew Fairman, 26, went out one night spearfishing on April 26, 2015. They never returned home. Their family and community continue to feel their loss and struggles to understand what happened that night. Initially, police…
Two Mohawk men went fishing…they never came home