‘Hurry please’: Details of stabbing rampage heard on Day 2 of Saskatchewan inquest

This combination of photos shows stabbing victims, from top left, Bonnie Burns, Carol Burns, Christian Head, Lydia Gloria Burns, and Lana Head. From bottom left, Wesley Petterson, Thomas Burns, Gregory Burns, Robert Sanderson, and Earl Burns. ( RCMP photos)      By Kelly Geraldine Malone THE CANADIAN PRESS MELFORT, Sask.- The first 911 calls as a mass stabbing unfolded on a Saskatchewan First Nation have been played on the second day of a coroner’s inquest. “Hurry please. I’m bleeding,” Brandon Genereaux said in a call to a 911 operator after he was attacked by Myles Sanderson. Genereaux would survive the violent rampage on the James Smith Cree Nation on Sept. 4, 2022. But his father, Robert Sanderson, was among the 11 people killed during the attacks on the First Nation…

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