With families ‘beyond their breaking point,’ watchdog calls on ‘B.C.’ to support young people with disabilities

By Amy Romer, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, IndigiNews The province’s Representative of Children and Youth (RCY) says “B.C.” must do more to assist 83,000 young people with disabilities who aren’t receiving adequate supports as families are “beyond their breaking point.” On Wednesday, Jennifer Charlesworth released her latest report, Too Many Left Behind — the latest in several sparked by the tragic and preventable death of an 11-year-old First Nations boy in a “Fraser Valley” foster home four years ago. Referred to in her report as “Colby” — his name and community were withheld to protect his identity — the boy was born with severe, complex developmental disabilities and required ongoing, intensive medical care. Colby also needed special attention from his caregivers. He had difficulty swallowing and needed help eating; he…

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