It was a secret. Media wasn’t suppose to find out about. But our readers know, Turtle Island News doesn’t like secrets! It was expensive. And it was likely paid for from the community’s own source revenues when the current Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) decided to host about 40 mayors from surrounding towns and cities that exist on Haldimand Proclamation lands, lands that belong to the “Mohawks and such others..” recently. Media wasn’t told. No photo ops of the 40 mayors (by the way Brantford didn’t show up) with Elected Council Chief Sherri-Lyn Hill or her councillors. It was supposed to be a quiet meeting to chat with the mayors. The glitzy gathering took place at the Gathering Place with SNEC’s land resource department explaining SNEC’s outstanding multi-billion dollar land…
Pssst…be on our side!