Ex-wife of Winnipeg serial killer recounts violence, sex assaults, bizarre behaviour

 The Canadian Press  A former wife of admitted serial killer Jeremy Skibicki testified Thursday about their violent marriage and how it seemed like he had multiple personalities. The woman said she met Skibicki at Siloam Mission, a Winnipeg homeless shelter, when she was struggling with drug addiction in February 2018. Skibicki was with two other men, she said, and the group invited her back to Skibicki’s home. “He said he really likes this one … referring to me,” said the 44-year-old Métis woman, who asked not to be named publicly. Skibicki, 37, has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder for the 2022 slayings of four Indigenous women: Rebecca Contois, 24; Morgan Harris, 39; Marcedes Myran, 26; and an unidentified woman Indigenous leaders have named Mashkode Bizhiki’ikwe, or Buffalo Woman. Crown…

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