Winnipeg trial hears admitted serial killer searched web for serial killer definition

 The Canadian Press  21/05/2024 12:57 The trial of man who has admitted to killing four women has heard he searched the internet to look up the definition of what it means to be a serial killer. A Winnipeg police analyst says other online searches found on Jeremy Skibicki’s laptop were about DNA and destroying fingerprints. Riley Johansson testified that he traced months of online searches on Skibicki’s computer. Skibicki is charged first-degree murder in the deaths of four Indigenous women in 2022. He has admitted to the killings but his lawyers say he is not criminally responsible due to mental illness. Crown prosecutors say the killings were racially motivated and Skibicki preyed on the women at homeless shelters. This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 21, 2024….

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