TBM mayor named one of four co-chairs of water equity commission

 Local Journalism Initiative  The Blue Mountains Mayor Andrea Matrosovs is excited about a new role she has with the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. Matrosovs attended the Cities Initiative’s annual conference/meeting in Montreal from May 15 – 17 and it was an eventful occasion for her. Matrosovs has been selected as one of four co-chairs of the Cities Initiative’s Mayor’s Commission on Water Equity, which is comprised of two Canadian mayors and two American mayors. Joining her as co-chairs are Nicolas Dufour – Reptetigny, Quebec, Cavalier Johnson, Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Shawyn Patterson-Howard, Mount Vernon, New York. “The four of us will lead that mayor’s commission and provide opportunities to keep the dialogue going in communities across the basin,” Matrosovs said in an interview with CollingwoodToday. “There is a…

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