Chiefs of Ontario drop in on Six Nations

Chiefs of Ontario are meeting at Six Nations this week. On the agenda... the election of an new Ontario Regional Chief. The meeting opened with a parade of chiefs, elders and veterans led by Ontario Regional Chief Glenn Hare (left) who was facing five other contenders as of press time. (Photo by Jim C. Powless)

New Chief to be elected as Chiefs of Ontario meet at Six Nations By Sam Laskaris Writer Six Nations chief Sherri-Lyn Hill provided the opening territorial remarks at the Chiefs of Ontario annual general assembly which kicked off Tuesday morningat Six Nations of the Grand River. The three-day event is being held at the Six Nations Sports and Cultural Memorial Centre. “It is my honour to welcome the Elders, youth, chiefs, leadership and guests here today,” Hill said. “In addition, it is my honour to recognize the Six Nations veterans.” Representatives from all parts of the province have converged in Six Nations this week. “It is so good to see our brothers and sisters from other nations gathered here with us in beautiful Six Nations territory along the Grand River,”…

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