Banff, Canmore swelter under broken temperature records

 By Jessica Lee Local Journalism Initiative Reporter  25/07/2024 A heat wave, comparable in duration to a 2021 heat dome event in western Canada, continues to shatter historic temperature records in the Bow Valley. Banff and Bow Valley Provincial Park broke three temperature records from Friday (July 19) to Sunday (July 21). “It’s been a very warm spell for much of the province,” said Environment and Climate Change Canada meteorologist Brian Proctor. “One of the most interesting things about this event has been the duration of temperatures above what we would consider [heat] warning criteria. We’re seeing some fairly significant durations of warm temperatures – even flirting with the heat dome of 2021.” Bow Valley Provincial Park set a new record July 19, reaching a high of 33.1 degrees Celsius. The…

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