Haudenosaunee Confederacy women earn world box lacrosse bronze medal

 (CP)-The Haudenosaunee Confederacy earned the first bronze medal awarded in a women’s world box lacrosse championship Saturday in Utica, N.Y. A women’s championship was included for the first time in the sixth edition of the world box championship. The Haudenosaunee, whose territory includes the Six Nations in southern Ontario, defeated Australia 21-4 for bronze. Canada will face the United States for gold medals in both the men’s and women’s finals on Sunday. Box lacrosse will return to the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 2028 after the sport’s previous appearances in 1904 in St. Louis and 1908 in London. The Haudenosaunee men were to play for bronze later Saturday against England. After a run of five straight silver medals, the Haudenosaunee men were toppled 12-11 in the semifinals by the…

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