Blog 2 - The Turtle Island News
Breaking News

 MCK sends letter to Indigenous Affairs denouncing Mikinak of Beauharnois & Confederation of Aboriginal People of Canada

PRESS RELEASE: Wednedsay July 13, 2016 KAHNAWA’KE-The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke wishes to inform the community that a letter has been sent to the Ministers of Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) and Justice Canada in regards to a group of people referring to themselves as the ‘Mikinak of Beauharnois,’ who have proclaimed to be a territorial First Nation. The group appears to be closely aligned with the ‘Confederation of Aboriginal People of Canada’ spearheaded by Guillaume Carle. The purpose of the letter is to officially convey Kahnawà:ke’s condemnation of this unrecognized group and their claims over traditional Mohawk Territory, and to request that Canada intervene and quash the fraudulent misrepresentations being made by this group and immediately cease any engagement with these types of illegitimate groups. A similar letter...

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NDP house leader laments ‘agents of chaos’ in precarious Parliament

NDP House leader Peter Julian said there’s more work his party wants to get done in the House of Commons before the next election, despite how chaotic the first weeks of the fall sitting have been. But if other parties make that work impossible, it could factor into the NDP’s voting decisions, he said Friday. In just three weeks, two Conservative non-confidence motions have failed to bring down the Liberal government — but the Opposition promises more to come. The New Democrats have said they will decide how to vote on those motions on a case-by-case basis based on what they believe is in the best interests of Canadians. “We think all parliamentarians should be stepping up at this difficult time so that Canadians get the benefit of support from...

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HCCC Media Release: Actions of the Six Nations Men’s Fire

Ori:wase : Media Release : Communiqué: For Immediate Release April 27, 2016 Re:  Actions of the Six Nations Men’s Fire OSWE:GE GRAND RIVER TERRITORY: The Roya’ner and Yakoya’ner of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council have met today to discuss the actions of the last 24 hours that have occurred within our community involving the Six Nations Men’s Fire group and their actions against the legal advisor to the HCCC. Firstly, the HCCC would like to remind the people to use our good mind and to be peaceful towards each other.  The actions of the past 24 hours have caused a negative impact on the community and on our people.  The Chiefs and Clanmothers gathered today because they are very concerned about the safety of all the people.  That is upper most...

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