MEET THE CHIEF: Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Chief R. Donald Maracle has been at the helm for 28 years

Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Elected Chief R. Donald Maracle

By Victoria Gray Writer R. Donald Maracle found his focus split between a number of issues that arose during the pandemic but still managed to make progress in many areas. The Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory Elected Chief has lead the community for 28 years and when the COVID-19 pandemic hit he called a team together to help community members financially, mentally, and physically while continuing to advance infrastructure projects and land claims. “All the chiefs were faced with many, many challenges. There wasn’t really a lot known about the virus in the beginning. It was a huge learning cure for everybody, including scientists and there was a lot of fear. There no vaccine and it was spreading quickly,” he said. Unlike a lot of First Nation communities they did not close…

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