Sky Deer says MOU will be signed in the next month

By Marc Lalonde  Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Progress on a Memorandum of Understanding that will form the basis for a nation-to-nation relationship with Canada is progressing quickly, Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Grand Chief Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer said . “It will be signed in the next month,” she said. “We have a draft, and the draft was actually presented to the Council of Chiefs Tuesday. We went through it line by line. There are a couple of small issues to fix up, but it’s largely complete.” From there, Sky-Deer said, the government will have a look at the document. She expects them to sign off on it and for there to be movement soon. “The federal team will look at it today,” Sky-Deer added. “It outlines the framework for the relationship, with…

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