Feds to investigate chemicals in oilsands tailings

By Natasha Bulowski Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The federa  government will assess the toxicity of a harmful compound in oilsands tailings after the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and environmental groups requested a review. Naphthenic acids (NAs) accumulate in oilsands tailing ponds — which currently hold at least 1.4 trillion litres of wastewater — and have been found to harm fish and amphibians; there are still research gaps on how it affects human health. Large tailings leaks from Imperial Oil’s Kearl tar sands facility spurred renewed calls for health studies, regulations and environmental reform. “The cancerous effects of naphthenic acids have long been known to scientists, industry, governments and sadly to our community of Fort Chipewyan,” said ACFN Chief Allan Adam in a release on May 30. “Fort Chipewyan is the…

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