The Feather Report – Black & White and Red All Over

Male - Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Black & White and Red All Over Photos by Carl Pascoe & Rachel A. Powless By Rachel A. Powless Feather Reporter When Carl & I began our journey to become bird banders we studied, absorbed, and shared our knowledge as much as we could about our feathered friends. We were quickly informed about three birds that could slice through our skin with razor-like swiftness. The Northern Cardinal is a year-round local bird. The Common Grackle is considered a partial migrator spending winter throughout the southern US then migrates north as early as March. Enter the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. This songbird is a Neo-tropical species who spends winters in southern Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America & parts of northern South America. He has a voice like a Vienna Choir School Boy. Ornithologists…

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