By Lynda Powless Editor Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) has finally released its 2022-2023 audit and while it shows an increase in government funding revenues of $17,000,000 over 2022 there is a huge increase of almost $50,000,000 in deferred revenues and own source revenues is bailing out what would have been a $3 million deficit. The band has $109,932,845 in what is called deferred revenues, dollars yet to come in or slated for projects yet to be undertaken or unfinished. At the same time, the band has only total cash of $89,421,201 leaving own source revenues to continue to prop up a positive financial picture. The band spent a total of $121,838,367 on expenses ranging from administrative costs, salary and benefits, utilities, equipment and repairs and other expenses. GOVERNMENT PROGRAM FUNDS…
Six Nations Own Source Revenues continue to prop up band