Documentary about Cree Elder `The Star Guy’ to premiere at Toronto film festival

 By Sam Laskaris  Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Lisa Jackson had an electrifying moment seven years ago, and that moment led to her latest work, a film titled Wilfred Buck. Wilfred Buck will have its North American premiere at the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival in Toronto, to be screened at the TIFF Lightbox on April 26 at 8 p.m. The 92-minute film will also be shown on April 27 at 2:15 p.m. at Scotiabank Theatre Toronto. The documentary is about Buck, an Elder from Opaskwayak Cree Nation in Manitoba, who is an expert on star knowledge and ceremony. The film, adapted from Buck’s memoir, includes stories of his early life of displacement, addiction and racism to his becoming the foremost authority on Indigenous astronomy in the world. Jackson, a…

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