Did you know?

Did you know? Traditionally worn by First Nations and Métis peoples, ribbon skirts (like the one on Little Miss SIx Nations) are a meaningful symbol of identity, resilience, and survival for Indigenous women, girls and gender-diverse people, and represents a direct connection to Mother Earth. There are three groups of Indigenous Peoples in Canada? They are First Nations, Inuit and Métis. In Ontario, there are 13 distinct groups of First Nation peoples, each with their own languages, customs, and territories. These Nations are the Algonquin, Mississauga, Ojibway, Cree, Odawa, Pottowatomi, Delaware, and the Haudenosaunee (Mohawk, Onondaga, Onoyota’a:ka, Cayuga, Tuscarora, and Seneca). Is National Indigenous Peoples Day a stat holiday in Ontario? While this day is recognized as a statutory holiday in the Northwest Territories and Yukon, it is not yet…

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