Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond’s surreal new documentary

Local Journalism Initiative Months after the release of Red Fever, award-winning Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond is back with his latest documentary, So Surreal: Behind the Masks.  Co-directed by Joanne Robertson, the film explores the fascinating  connection between Indigenous ceremonial masks and the Surrealist art  movement of the 1930s and 1940s. “The Surrealists were interested in dreams in the act of creation,” Diamond told the Nation.  “They would try to recreate dreams they had, considering them  important, which is the same in Cree culture. I remember my father  talking about certain dreams that were messages from who knows where –  your mind, the universe?” In the early stages of filming Red Fever’sdive into pop  culture’s stereotypical Indigenous imagery, Diamond heard about a  century-old mask selling at a high-end art fair and…

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