Six Nations Police Athletic League working with Six Nations students

Six Nations students packed school buses last week courtesy of the PALS program. (Photos by Austin Evans.)

By Austin Evans Writer Over a hundred kids filled the buses after school to watch a hockey game, courtesy of Six Nations’ Police Athletic League for Students (PALS) program. Six Nations students in Grades 7 and 8 went with PALS to watch the Brantford Bulldogs face off against the Sarnia Sting at the Brantford Civic Centre on October 9. Six Nations Police run the PALS program to provide students with games, activities and team building after school. As the Community Service Officer, Constable Cody Johnson sees PALS as a way for Six Nations Police to bridge the gap between themselves and the youth of the community. “[PALS is] trying to get them on that right path before they go off, right? Just trying to be that friendly face too,” he…

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