Kootenay Central candidates talk healthcare, housing

By Rachael Lesosky, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Valley Voice There was good a turnout from the public at the Kootenay Central riding’s All Candidates Meeting on October 10 at Silverton Memorial Hall – but a not so great turnout from the candidates. NDP Brittny Anderson and Independent Corinne Mori appeared in person, however Green candidate Nicole Charlwood was ill. Technical difficulties prevented her from appearing virtually, but New Denver resident Kathy Hartman read Charlwood’s prepared opening and closing statements. Conservative Kelly Vandenberghe was not present. After opening statements from each candidate, members of the public asked questions. Anderson and Mori had two minutes each to offer answers. Slocan Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Valley Voice co-sponsored the event. What are you prepared to do to make watersheds the number…

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