By Mike Stimpson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter EAGLE LAKE – Eagle Lake First Nation is challenging the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s site selection in court, and that’s more than welcome news to Neecha Dupuis. “I love it,” Dupuis, a member of the Ojibway Nation of Saugeen (Savant Lake), said from Ottawa. “Just pure love.” Eagle Lake’s chief “came and walked with us” in this year’s Walk Against Nuclear Waste, she noted. “It’s all coming together, like one giant dream catcher,” Dupuis said. Dupuis said she doesn’t understand Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation’s decision to move forward with the NWMO on possibly constructing a deep geological repository, or DGR, for high-level nuclear waste. “For them to choose nuclear waste over the land, that doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make sense at all.”…