Six Nations wants to know the good, the bad and the ugly about its response to the pandemic. Zach Miller, Executive Director of Planning, Performance and Evaluation and Debra Johnathan, a former nurse-in-charge of Gane Yohs Health Centre presented their plan to evaluate Six Nations Elected Council’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “On April 1, 2024, next month SNEC will commemorate four years since its response to COVID-19 ushered in a period of adaptation in the community,” he said. The SNEC executive team asked Miller to comprehensively review the crisis response and they hope to identify methods of improvement. The team includes Miller, Jonathan, Sara Curley-Smith, epidemiologist, Maggie Galant, and Jenniefer Smith. Miller said they were chosen because they were all involved in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic or…