Behind closed doors: SNEC approves increase to elected chief political staff…could hit $700,000 in costs

By Lynda Powless Editor Turtle Island News has learned Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC), with an expected $10 million dollar deficit predicted for 2024, has agreed to expand the Elected Chief’s political staff to a record setting five people. The increase in staff could also see costs for the elected chief’s office soar to $700,000. The increase was approved in a closed meeting last week. The chief’s office, in the past, has normally had one political ‘adviser’. The creation of a political adviser began with the election in 1981 of Bill Montour who had one adviser paid through separate government funding. At that time SNEC passed a motion the chief’s office had to search out funding for the position. Recently former Elected Chief Ava Hill had one adviser and former…

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