Ontario has never seen an MPP like Sol Mamakwa

By Jon Thompson Local Journalism Initiative Reporter “People are dying left and right,” Meno Ya Win Hospital staff told Sol Mamakwa as the Kiiwetinoong MPP toured the Sioux Lookout area’s largest health care facility. The backlog in the 55-bed acute care facility was worse than Mamakwa had ever seen it during his years as health system transformation lead for Nishnawbe Aski Nation, before he was elected. Many of those occupying 33 Alternate Level of Care beds at Meno Ya Win were members of the First Nations for whom he had aspired to make health services available in their own communities. “And then she says, ‘I want to ask you something,’” the NDP’s Mamakwa recalls, leaning in and lowering his voice. “She looks me in the eye and says, ‘can you…

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