By Turtle Island News staff “Don’t name it Powless Road, whatever you do,” Councillor Audrey Powless-Bomberry joked. Although the former Gaylord Powless Arena, now the Six Nations Sports and Cultural Memorial Arena, wasn’t mentioned during the Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) General Council meeting May 23, councillors and Elected Chief Mark Hill made references to the community “honouring just one” person, which was the argument for removing Gaylord Powless’s name from the arena in 2022. “We have to be very careful. We have had great controversy in our community and we still have strained relationships as a result,” Councillor Melba Thomas said. Lily-Anne Mt. Pleasant, acting director of housing came to council to address two streets intersecting Harold Road, where two accommodation projects are taking place. Social and Health Services…
Six Nations is approaching naming streets with caution after the arena caused community controversy