By Lynda Powless & Lisa Iesse, Writers Six Nations Elected Council’s (SNEC) first Annual General Assembly (AGA), of its four year term, may have delivered a dazzling drone show, but it was missing an audit. Six Nations is now eight months into 2023 and the 2022-2023 audit hasn’t been presented. Elected Chief Mark Hill said it would be another two to three weeks before the 2022 audit is finished. At the same time Six Nations learned the man behind the massive re-organization of SNEC’s administration is leaving this week on a year’s leave of absence Darren Jamieson, who went from SAO to CEO is the key figure behind the overhaul of the entire band administration and council itself. The almost four year project saw band council itself going from a committee…
SNEC annual assembly hypes up the term, but no audit