Six Nations 59th Elected Council (SNEC) members, both veterans and newly elected councillors along with the elected chief are spending 15 days in an indepth orientation process. The new council was sworn in at a special council meeting in the council chambers on November 7th by Hilary Visheau, Commissioner for Taking Oaths. Sherri-Lyn Hill, a former councillor, has taken the helm of SNEC as the new Elected Chief. There are now 12 councillors with Helen Miller, Greg Frazer, Hazel Johnson, Audrey Powless-Bomberry, Kerry Bomberry and Melba Thomas returning for another four-year term. Newly elected councillors this term include Cynthia Jamieson, Alaina VanEvery, Dayle Bomberry, Amos Key, Carole Greene and Dean Hill. Each took an oath to “faithfully perform [their] duties, carry out [their] responsibilities, promote the welfare of the people, safeguard…