By Lisa Iesse Writer Six Nations New Year’s baby is back home with glowing mama Jenna Bomberry and proud papa Evan Staats. Sandy Alvin Staats was born bright and early in the wee morning hours of January 2nd. “He’s named after his uncle, his dad’s brother,” Bomberry told the Turtle Island News. “He passed away in the 1980s,” said Staats. He is also named after his great grandpa and his grandpa named Alvin. Sandy is getting plenty of attention and love from everyone he meets. Jenna, who works for Six Nations Health Services says everything is going smoothly. “We are doing great! “she told Turtle Island News on January 2nd. The newborn is also being recognized in Hamilton for being the first Indigenous baby born at McMaster hospital said Bomberry….
Welcome little Sandy Alvin Staats, Six Nations first baby of 2024