Grassy Narrows chief wants to be Ontario regional chief

Rudy Turtle, Grassy Narrows Chief

GRASSY NARROWS – The chief of a First Nation in Northwestern Ontario has come forward as a candidate for Ontario Regional Chief. Rudy Turtle, in his fourth year as chief of Grassy Narrows (Asubpeeschoseewagong), is one of several candidates for the top spot in the Chiefs of Ontario. “Some chiefs have asked me to run and I said yes, I’ll do it,” he said in an interview from his Ojibwe community northeast of Kenora. Turtle said the current regional chief, Glen Hare, has done an inadequate job in advocacy. Hare was invited to speak at a Land Defence Alliance rally last September in Queen’s Park and “failed to show up,” Turtle said. There were other occasions when the regional chief didn’t show his support, he added. “I want to be…

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