Brantford Police Service release new photos in sexual assault case

By Austin Evans Writer BRANTFORD, ONT-The Brantford Police Service have released updated photos of suspects in a four-month-old sexual assault case and are asking the public for any information to help identify them. The suspects are wanted in the sexual assault of a woman  by two different men at two separate times on June 25  between 10:30 pm and 1:30 am in downtown Brantford. On July 1, Brantford Police Service asked the public to help identify two male suspects and included photos of both. The second suspect was described as a 30-year-old black man with a narrow V-shaped face, stubble on his chin and short buzzed hair. He was seen wearing dark coloured pants, black shoes and a blue “Crooks & Castle” t-shirt the night of the assault. Brantford Police…

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