The annual Haudenosaunee deer harvest is gearing up to start November 4th. The Haudenosaunee Wildlife and Habitat Authority (HWHA) and Hamilton Conservation Authority (HCA) have agreed to dates for the 2024 hunting season running from November 4 to Dec. 5 on HCA lands, the Hamilton Conservation Authority announced. The now 13-year-old annual hunt stems from a 2011 agreement. In 2011 the Ontario Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs recognized and supported the Nanfan Treaty, or the Treaty at Albany of 1701. The treaty outlines the Haudenosaunee right to harvest and fish in the Dundas Valley Conservation Area (DVCA). The HCA and HWHA agreement outlines Haudenosaunee treaty rights HCA lands and protocols. The 2024 deer harvesting has two schedules and will be held in two areas of the DVCA from November to December…
Haudenosaunee deer hunt dates set