By Lynda Powless Editor With a year under their belt in a massive administrative shift Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) is back up to 12 full-time councillors and a year that saw $808,967 in council costs, a $25,055 dip from the year before. But the dip in honoraria isn’t due to cuts. The 2023 election saw new councillors coming on mid-stream in a transition year. The 59th Six Nations of the Grand River Elected council was sworn in November 7, 2023. It is split by six veterans and six new councillors. The new council is made up of Elected Chief Sherri-Lyn Hill, her first term as an elected chief. The 12 councillors include Alaina VanEvery, Amos Key, Audrey Powless-Bomberry, Carol Lesley Greene, Cynthia Jamieson, Dayle Bomberry, Dean Hill, Gregory Frazer, Hazel…