By Lynda Powless Editor Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) has secretly voted to make October 25th a Six Nations “national holiday” in honour of the 1784 Haldimand Proclamation starting next year. Turtle Island News has learned the council, in a closed meeting, passed a motion to celebrate the historic Haldimand Proclamation that granted some 550,000 acres of land to the “Mohawks, and such others of the Five Nations that chose to settle on the lands.” Councillor Amos Keyes brought the matter to the council table and is expected to announce the closed door decision at a conference at Six Nations Polytechnic during its Haldimand Proclamation sessions next week. The Haldimand Proclamation granted the lands between Lakes Huron, Ontario and Erie to the “Mohawks and such others” from the then Mississaugas…