By Lisa Iesse Writer SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND – “Build This School” quickly became the chant of a crowd of parents, teachers, students, politicians and others at the still empty site of a Haudenosaunee immersion language school. Six Nation’s Kawenni:io/Gaweni:y (KG) private School has been petitioning the federal government for over two decades to build the only Mohawk and Cayuga language immersion school in the country. Both Mohawk and Cayuga are on the endangered languages list. On Friday (June 23) Larry Brock Brantford-Brant PC MP demanded the Liberal government provide funding for the build. He told the crowd gathered “students are learning in a dimly-lit room with no windows and potable water issues.” He demanded the Liberal government “Build this school. enough delay.” He said it was “shameful” the Liberal…
Six Nations language school pressures Liberals for funding