After HCC Chiefs appear in public Six Nations Elected Council apologizes to COO behind “electronic closed door” for “activity” By Austin Evans Writer Six Nations Elected Council (SNEC) may have apologized to the Chiefs of Ontario( COO) for an “activity” that took place during the assembly last week, but they went behind an electronic closed door to do it. Elected Chief Sherri-Lyn Hill and her council gathered at the Six Nations arena June 12th at about 8 a.m. to apologize for what she called an “activity” that happened at the assembly. The “”activity” was a statement by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs (HCCC) read by a Royanni announcing they did not support or endorse the event after being snubbed by the organizers. The HCCC was not approached by Chiefs of Ontario…
HCC Chiefs make public statement … Six Nations Elected Council issues COO apology behind “electronic closed door”