By Joshua Santos Writer What should have been a joyous celebration for a young family turned into bedlam and chaos as a Six Nations mother was separated from her baby less than 24 hours after giving birth. Shawna Laight learned her baby Journey Maracle was sent to another hospital in a different city without prior consultation with her or her partner Dylan Maracle. “It really scared me,” said Laight to Turtle Island News. “I thought, am I going to see my child again? I had all these thoughts like why my baby. My mind couldn’t wrap around the fact of why they would do this.” Her midwife Laurie Jacobs found out by accident and informed her. Jacobs has been an Indigenous midwife since 2001 and practices at Tsi Non:we Ionnakeratstha/Ona:grahsta…
Six Nations mother unaware baby girl was transferred to a different city without her