Historic Ontario First Nation Child Welfare agreement signed

The Ontario region-specific final Child Welfare agreement is worth $8.5 billion over nine years beginning in 2025-26. The deal was signed last week by Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler, (left), Minister of Indigenous Services Canada Patty Hajdu and Ontario Regional Chief Abram Benedict who hold the signed Ontario Final Agreement. It was signed at a Special Chiefs Assembly in Toronto Feb. 26. (Supplied Photo)

Ontario First Nations Leaders Sign Historic Agreement with Canada to Reform Child Welfare By Joshua Santos Writer TORONTO-First Nations leaders from across the province voted in favour of a landmark agreement that could reshape Indigenous child welfare in the future. Officials from the Chiefs of Ontario, (COO) Nishnawbe Aski Nan (NAN) and the federal government signed the Ontario Final Agreement at a Special Chiefs Assembly at Toronto Airport Hilton Hotel in Mississauga on Feb. 26. The agreement aims to give First Nations governments greater control over child and family services, ensuring Indigenous children remain connected to their families, communities, and cultures. The agreement marks a major step toward addressing the overrepresentation of Indigenous children in the child welfare system. “We need to improve the lives of all the children who…

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