Unhoused people displaced following fire at Labrador Inn

By Derek Montague, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, The Independent An interior fire at the Labrador Inn in Happy Valley-Goose Bay has left hotel management and the provincial government looking to house  around 20 people for at least one night in the dead of winter. At 10:35 a.m. Happy Valley-Goose Bay firefighters responded to a call  at the Inn and arrived within four minutes. According to town Fire  Chief Brad Butler, the fire damaged a couple of bathrooms and the  hotel’s kitchen area but not the residential area. “Nobody was injured;  it was a quick knock-down by the fire department,” Butler said. “[The  fire] was in behind walls. We had to rip walls and ceiling out,” he  said, adding his firefighters “did a good job, and [the fire] didn’t  extend too…

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