Clearwater Seafoods in Nova Scotia lays off workers at plant in Lockeport: mayor

Clearwater Seafoods has laid off about half its workers in Lockeport, N.S., where the local plant is the town’s largest employer, the mayor of the tiny southwestern community said Thursday. Derek Amalfa said the company has decided to shut down lobster processing at the plant, but he said the facility will continue to process scallops. The town is home to 480 people. Clearwater’s website says the plant, known locally as Pierce Fisheries, employs 145 people who process about four million kilograms of sea scallops and lobster annually. “It’s a lot of shock and sadness,” Amalfa said in an interview. “All of the people who lost their jobs are longtime employees, and they are all our friends and neighbours and family. This is going to have a deep in pact in…

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