Chiefs of Ontario, Nishnawbe Aski Nation Defending First Nations Economic Rights Amid U.S Tariffs

By Lynda Powless Editor Some Indigenous organizations across Canada have begun cutting business trips to the U.S. other Indigenous business owners are sourcing out made in Canada suppliers while the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and two of Ontario’s largest First Nation organizations are defending First Nations Economic Rights in wake of U.S. President Donald Trump’s tariff hit. U.S. President Trump’s 25 per cent tariff on imports has hit on all imports from Canada and Mexico into the U.S.. Assembly of First Nations National (AFN) Chief Cindy Woodhouse is warning First Nations need to be at any table discussing American tariffs. She said Trump tariffs affecting natural resources need First Nations at the table. Trump’s announcement comes as provinces are looking to ramp up resource extraction, including oil, natural gas and…

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