No pollution or injuries reported after fish farm vessel hits a rock in Tahsis Inlet

By Nora O’Malley Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Salmon farmer Grieg Seafood on the west coast of Vancouver Island is reporting no injuries or pollution after the Ronja Islander, a live fish transport and treatment vessel owned by aquaculture industry service partner Sølvtrans, hit a rock in Tahsis Inlet on March 8. Tahsis Inlet is located in Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nation (MMFN) territory and Nootka Sound. Recently, in mid-December 2024, Grieg Seafood was responsible for spilling between 7,000 to 8,000 litres of diesel fuel by Lutes Creek in Esperanza Inlet, which is in Ehattesaht/Chinehkint First Nation territory and neighbours MMFN. The Lutes Creek diesel spill spread throughout Nootka Sound, resulting in temporary shellfish harvesting closures. According to Grieg Seafood, the Ronja Islander sustained some damage from the March 8 crash, but was…

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