Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke congratulates two Kahnawà:ke men on landmark court win

    MCK congratulates Derek White & Hunter Montour The Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke (MCK) would like to congratulate Kahnawa’kehró:non Derek White and Hunter Montour on today’s landmark decision in the Quebec Superior Court case, R. v. White and Montour. Although White and Montour were found guilty of indictable offences related to their role in the tobacco trade on May 9th, 2019, they sought and were granted a stay of proceedings while a Notice of constitutional questions was filed on the basis of Aboriginal and Treaty rights. Today, Honourable Judge Sophie Bourque’s ruling granted them a permanent stay of proceedings and dramatically altered the landscape of Canadian Aboriginal law. Bourque’s ruling proposed a tremendous change to the legal test Canada uses to determine what they recognize as an Aboriginal right under…

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